Saturday, March 20, 2010

School Vouchers

The "wealthy" who send their kids to private schools are racist bigots who will not accept school vouchers from the middle class. This is why we must fight against school vouchers which will only be used to send children to fanatical religious-right schools.

We must make sure that the wealthy pay for the middle class's education in gov't schools run by stooges from the Teachers Union. The creation of a school voucher system would only encourage free enterprise (a.k.a. evil capitalism) to build new schools that teach reading, writing, and arithmetic to the satisfaction of parents (i.e. customers).

Sadly, these elite schools teach young minds-of-mush to love America instead of pointing out how evil its history really is. Furthermore, the racist elites may even allow the kids to “pray” to false Gods instead of Comrade Obama the Magnificent!


Karl Marx

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Government Pensions

Dear Comrades,

The gov't knows how to manage pensions just fine. The only pension the gov't can't manage is the one no one in the gov't is dependent upon............that's's Social Security.

Merge all gov't pensions into Social Security and, like magic, it will soon be fixed.

Hahahahaha...good luck with this "change".

Now, Comrade Obama and his stooges will not participate in the Socialist/Marxist Democrat healthcare plan....that's right...they will be covered by a different plan.......hahahahahahaha....just like their pensions.

You, my children, will particpate and pay ...... if you refuse you will go to jail.............hahahahahahaha.....the People will finally answer to us......the goverment.

We will care for you as we are men-of-honor, not lying, deceitful, greedy, men for sale to the highest bidder.............hahahahahaha.


Karl Marx

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sotomayor's a Wise Latina Member of LaRaza

Dear Comrades,

Comrade Obama nominated the wise Latina Sotomayor for our Supreme Court. Thank God, liberal GOP men-of-honor, like Lyndsey Graham, voted for her. It's about time that America got a Supreme Court Justice with the courage to decide cases based on what she "feels" is best for Society, not based on fairness and equality with a solemn dedicaton to protecting the rights and liberties of Citizens. The writers of our Constitution never met a wise Latina or were members of LaRaza and so could not anticipate this need.

Much is made about Sotomayor's decision to deny Frank Ricci, a Connecticut firefighter his promotion. After all, it wouldn't be "fair" for a such a fireman to be promoted over a Black Man, just because he scored higher on the White Man's test, right? Of course not.

Finally we have a Justice that can't get the right answer until she knows your race, color, and creed.

I don't know why the White Man insists that fire Chiefs understand chemisty and engineering anyway. Who cares what chemicals are stored in the burning factory? If anything explodes or poison gasses are released, we'll just blame guessed it....The White Man. And what if a floor collapses because the Chief didn't realize a critical support beam was burning? So what?


Karl Marx